Thursday, November 20, 2014

Book Three Is Not Set In Krakow

Hey there, deep into Book Three which is the one that surprised me most of all when I chose
to do it way back in May, this needs some explanation.
Homeless G-Men was the comic that I started, it was the first, there were some character concepts in place and two of the stories were kind of thought out in my head, as I worked on the book I was deciding if I wanted to commit all of my time to just doing issues of the HG's or maybe I should do two comics instead and I could bounce back and forth on them
So I wrote a list of six kinds of comic that I was interested in doing (I'll talk about this in another post)   of the six, Battle Rally was the most surprising to me, considering all the drawing that would be involved I could have skipped it - but I had an idea.
If you know me, you know I don't get bored I'm always doing something one of those things is build models out of wooden kits, we have a whole basement full of stuff like this crazy car here.
I decided it was time to put the vehicles into play and needed a concept that 1) I wanted to do more than one issue of and 2) would allow me to use a wide variety of vehicles
and that's how the initial idea for Battle Rally came.
The second part was the most important for me to commit the time to the book, what was it about beyond vehicle racing? I surprised myself at how quickly I got to the answer, the issues in Battle Rally are about corporations interfering in sport (Rollerball) vehicular combat (like Death Race) but it's a character piece first and it's the story of two women who are in competition for the same job.
This interested me, if I hadn't gotten to the two lead characters and what they were about I would have never committed to the commit.
I hate drawing vehicles, every artist does but this book is going to help me get over that and I can't believe just how much I enjoyed working on this one.
This may be the last comic before the end of 2014, I have a few jobs coming up that I'll need to commit my time to, two of them are comic jobs so I'll still be posting here at least twice weekly.
Hang On People of Buffalo!
A.Shay Hahn

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